colon cleanse with machine
colon cleanse with machine
colon cleanse with machine
What is the Best colon cleanse with machine?
If you want to have your colon cleansed, then you should consider getting the MonKon Colonic Machine device open colon cleanse with machine. This is a treatment that involves inserting a pencil-thin tube into the rectum. Water is pumped through the rectal tube. The water is purified before it is inserted into the tube.
The flow of the water is controlled by a trained therapist. This treatment stimulates a process called peristalsis, which is the involuntary restriction and relaxation of the muscles.
Benefits of Using the MonKon Colonic Machine colon cleanse with machine
There are many ways reasons that you should get a colon cleanse. While this treatment is not designed to cure any specific medical condition, it can improve your health in a number of ways. Removing toxins from the body can help boost the immune system. When you have a strong immune system, your body will have an easier time fighting off toxins. This treatment can also help alleviate digestive issues, such as constipation and diarrhea.
Additionally, this treatment can boost your energy. Fatigue is often associated with the build-up of toxins inside of the body. The MonKon Colonic Machine device open colon cleanse with machine can also help you sleep better at night.
This treatment is often recommended for people who are preparing for a colonoscopy. Many people prepare for a colonoscopy by getting a chemical laxative. However, this can be inconvenient. Colon hydrotherapy helps cleanse the colon without using any drugs.
What to Expect
This procedure will be performed inside of a private room. The treatment will be administered while you are lying on the table. The therapist will not have to be in the room the entire time you are getting the treatment.
colon hydrotherapy medical device
Colon hydrotherapy device sale
Do I Need to get a Colon Cleanse on a Regular Basis?
There are many ways that you can benefit from making the MonKon Colonic Machine colon cleanse with machine a part of your lifestyle. You can reduce your chances of developing gastrointestinal issues by getting a colon cleanse on a regular basis. You may also be able to reduce your chances of developing other health issues, such as headaches, fatigue, body odor and bad breath.
Is This Procedure Painful?
This procedure is not painful for most patients. However, it is normal to have some slight discomfort during this procedure, but that is normal. The discomfort is caused by the colon contracting when it removes the waste. The procedure should be comfortable and relaxing once the impacted waste is removed.
colon cleanse with machine colon cleanse with machine
How angel of water colon cleanse with machine work?
The angel of water colon cleanse with machine Colon Hydrotherapy System is a very simple, safe, comfortable, and hygienic way to irrigate the colon for endoscopic, radiological, or other medical purposes. The following sequence of events briefly describes the colon irrigation procedure.
The tank is filled with hot and cold water controlled by a water mixing valve on the basin right topside. The proper temperature of the water falls between 99 -103 degrees Fahrenheit and is monitored by the temperature gauge visible on the front of the tower cabinet. If at any time the water rises above 103 degrees Fahrenheit, the temperature sensor will trigger the flow valve to shut off, stopping water flow to the client.
After the client has comfortably positioned himself on the basin (with the pillow and cushioned backrest in place) and inserted the nozzle into the rectum, water flow can be activated by turning ON the FLOW switch. Water flow can be stopped at any time by simply turning the FLOW switch OFF. The tank line to the basin nipple has a backflow prevention valve as a permanent plumbing safety feature. It is located underneath the fiberglass basin and is connected directly to the basin nipple through an opening in the basin wall. It prevents water from flowing back into the line once it has passed through the basin nipple into the nozzle and into the client’s rectum.
The System utilizes the controlled pressure created by gravity as water exits the elevated tank in the tower cabinet as activated by the FLOW switch. The procedure can be stopped at any time by simply turning off the FLOW switch to stop the gravity-fed stream of water or by the person simply sliding back off the nozzle and resting on the basin.
A typical colon hydrotherapy session lasts approximately 30-40 minutes and uses approximately 10 gallons of water, which is the total volume capacity of the main tank. Usually, only one tank full of water is needed. At the end of the session, all three switches (U.V., CYCLE, FLOW) are turned OFF and the client slides back off the nozzle so that it naturally drops away from his body.
The client can now drain comfortably on the ergonomic basin, sitting up erect or leaning back in a lounge position to fully drain her colon. After this is done, the client can rinse himself using the personal shower sprayer and its control valve located on the basin left topside. Tempered water is delivered to the sprayer by the same water mixing valve on the right topside of the basin that also sends water to the System tank. The client can then towel herself dry before dressing and leaving the privacy of the colon irrigation room.
How Colonic Hydrotherapy Works-Essentially, fluids are poured through a tube that has been inserted into the rectum.
The fluid is then released as a normal bowel movement, expelling with it mucus, bacteria, and toxins. The process can be repeated several times and the entire process from start to finish can last up to an hour.
So what are the health benefits of colon cleansing? And is colon hydrotherapy safe?
colon cleanse with machine colon cleanse with machine
How to use the colon cleanse with machine?
The Patient/Client undresses from the waist down and is properly draped during session. A small colon cleansing nozzle is gently and easily inserted in privacy. Colon cleansing nozzle are ‘size of a pencil’, single use, and disposed of after use.
colon cleanse with machinebar2
Water flows through a Carbon Filter which removes any sediment, rust, or chlorine. The water is purified by an Ultra Violet Purification System, before it passes through the colon cleansing nozzle. Water flows gently into the rectum and waste releases naturally.
A gentle slow rate of UV purified-temperature safe water is fed from the gravity-fed Column. Less than TEN gallons of water may be used during the session at a safe temperature of 98 F. to 102 F. (36.8ºC to 38.ºC) (Water temperature is safely controlled and adjusted). An Odor Exhaust System insures that the session room and entire center remains odor free. (Odor System is included with the purchase of the colon cleanse with machine Device)
colon cleanse with machine base (table) has over three feet of clear viewing tube, which allows the patient/client and the therapist to easily view (without any odor) the waste during releases.
A rinsing sprayer is used to rinse bottom after session. Sessions last approximately 45 minutes. Modesty is protected at all times.
A trained colon hydro therapist is always nearby to monitor and provide patient/client assistance and comfort as needed.
After each session the colon cleanse with machine is easily and safely disinfected.
colon cleanse with machine Application
Colon Hydrotherapy is the natural evolution of the enema, it can reduce weight , prolong life, increase metabolism, improve sleep and gastrointestinal function, which is popular in Nobility for thousands of years.In morden time, the need of eliminate sub-health is a big subject in our life and work. UWO colon cleanse with machine, with a mineralizing and filtering device, tap water will be mineralized and filtered in to micromolecule active water, which can add microelement into water that human body needs. After filtering, the mineral water will be heated into 37℃ with a heating device. Then the water will be infused into human’s colon with a attached hydrotherapy head. The water will attenuation and dissolve the waste in the colon. Meanwhile the water will stimulate the intestinal tract to wriggle and the waste mixture will be excreted out of body. Finally this can create ecological balance in the human body. The natural and ecological feature is a new type of treatment which consists of therapy, recovery and good health.
colon cleanse with machine
colon cleanse with machine
Who is suitable for colon cleanse with machine?
1 Unexplained soreness, lack of sleep, temper, nervousness, insomnia
2 Complexion dull, face, all kinds of freckles
3 The body is too fat, or too thin, abnormal metabolism
4 Constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, excessive body odor, etc.
5 Disorders such as dizziness, bad breath, body odor, abnormal blood lipids
6 Too much accumulation of toxins in the body