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closed-system colon hydrotherapy device


closed-system colon hydrotherapy device closed-system colon hydrotherapy device closed-system colon hydrotherapy device closed-system colon hydrotherapy device

What is closed-system colon hydrotherapy device?

With the closed system, the water pressure can be adjusted of the inflow of filtered, temperature regulated water. This means water enters the colon very slowly or potentially less than 1/4 psi (pound per square inch). Typically a session ranges from 40-65 minutes. What is known as the speculum is inserted into the rectum via the anus, and allows the water to flow in via the fresh water inlet, and out via the larger tube that allows the waste and water to leave the body in a passive way. The speculum is approximately 3/4″ in diameter. It is gently inserted 2-3 inches into the colon. It comfortably holds the anus open during the session, thereby removing the need for the recipient to push the waste out. The water line connects to the incoming water line on the equipment, and the waste line attaches to an illuminated glass viewing tube that allows for observation. The waste goes out the speculum into the disposable waste line, then empties directly into the sewer system after passing through the view tube. The waste is “closed” to the air, hence the term “closed-system”, no open lines of water or waste. The recipient remains on the treatment table throughout the process. A professional therapist administers the colon hydro-therapy session, and is present during the entire session. The sessions consist of a series of inflows and outflows that can be accompanied by abdominal palpation techniques and massage.

closed-system colon hydrotherapy device

How to Do a closed-system colon hydrotherapy device?

First and foremost, bear in mind that the single best way to detox and cleanse the colon is by removing harmful substances in your diet and eating nutrient-dense, real foods. Packaged foods, fast foods, processed snacks and artificial ingredients (high fructose syrups, hydrogenated oils, dangerous food dyes, fake seasonings, MSG or preservatives) all make it harder for the digestive system to work properly and raise inflammation in the colon. The kinds of foods you want to eat for optimal colon health include:

fermented foods that contain probiotics (yogurt, cultured veggies like kimchi or sauerkraut, kefir, kombucha)
high-fiber foods like seeds, leafy greens and other fresh veggies
fresh fruit (especially berries, or apples and pears, which contain pectin fiber)
bone broth
healthy fats like coconut or extra virgin olive oil, plus avocados (very high in electrolytes and fiber)
veggie-based soups, smoothies and salads are high in fiber and water, plus easy to digest

If having a colonic done:

Colonics should always be done under the supervision of a qualified professional who’s licensed and trained. It’s important to follow directions and instructions carefully and to ensure all equiptment is completely sanitary. Colonics aren’t usually recommended for pregnant women or children or people with kidney problems or bad hemorrhoids.

What can you expect when getting a colonic? This type of closed-system colon hydrotherapy device shouldn’t cause pain or feel overly uncomfortable because the practitioner will likely use a lubricant to help insert the device into the rectum. Likely, you’ll feel some pressure during the process and need several hours to feel back to normal once it’s done.

If using an enema:

To perform an enema (whether it’s a coffee enema, one with apple cider vinegar or another formula) you need to first purchase a kit, which comes with an insert of some kind and a bag or bucket to hold the liquid. The part that you insert into your rectum is attached to a clamp that controls the release of whichever kind of liquid you use from the bag or bucket. If you’re willing to spend more money, you’ll get a better quality product that has a clasp, which is more capable of stopping and controlling the release of the liquid.

If you plan to perform enemas somewhat regularly, you can purchase a reusable kit instead of a one-time bottle. Some find that buying an enema kit that includes a bucket is a bit easier to use, since a bag requires that you hang it from somewhere elevated, such as a towel rack in your bathroom. Many people find that buckets are also easier to clean than bags, although kits with buckets can cost a bit more (anywhere from $10–$60 depending on the kind).

Stainless steel buckets are preferred by many over plastic buckets or bags since they’re sanitary and can be reused, but a bag is a good, inexpensive option if you plan to throw it away after performing the enema or if you’re traveling.

Once you have your materials sanitized, gathered and you’re prepared, follow this step-by-step guide to perform a homemade enema at home safely:

closed-system colon hydrotherapy device eich colonic machine

Prepare your liquid, whether it’s coffee, a premade solution or filtered water. Filtered water is highly recommended by most experts and might offer fewer risks than tap water (which contain traces of minerals or chemicals). If you’re using a warm liquid like coffee, let the mixture cool down to a little warmer than room temperature.
Choose a location that’s comfortable where you can lie down for about 15 minutes. The bathroom is a popular choice since it’s easiest to be close to a toilet. Keep extra towels and cleaning products on hand to clean up if need be.
Take your enema kit and place the bucket or bag at least one meter above you and the ground so it has the force of gravity to push out the liquid. Pour your liquid into the enema bag or bucket, and hold the tube and nozzle shut.
Locate the lever on the tube and nozzle that helps you stop and start the flow of the enema. Use a lubricant such as coconut oil to coat the tip of the enema nozzle, and then lay down on your right side in fetal position and insert the nozzle into your rectum. Try to insert it about one inch inside.
Use the valve that helps you start the flow of the liquid, slowly releasing the liquid into your rectum through the nozzle. Sit however you are most comfortable for about 15–30 minutes, holding it in until you’re ready to use the bathroom.

Why we need Colon Hydrotherapy?

Colon is the major path through which waste and toxins get out of your body.

Laxatives, Enemas, Probiotics are not effective remedies for constipation because they cannot get to the real source of your digestive issues.
Colon autopsies show it and now studies prove that-even if you have a regular, daily bowel movement-you may possible have 10-12 lbs. of hardened, toxic, bacteria-laden fecal matter stuck in your intestines!
And this putrid, toxic, backed-up mess is aggravating your digestive system and taxing the rest of your organs more and more every day.
This causes bloating, abdominal pressure, diarrhea, colon pain, gastric discomfort and big belly, even though the majority of people reported they have no problem with constipation.

These layers of dried up fecal matter are the REAL cause of your digestive problems and most other problems with health that you never imagined were related.

Laxatives or enemas cannot flush this toxic, rotting crap out of your colon!which is 5 feet long and has hundreds of folds and wrinkles where can get stuck and can swell to 9 inches wide like overstuffed vacuum cleaner!

Laxatives or enemas only clean about eight inches of the lower end of your large intestine. However, large intestine is about 5 FEET LONG, (small intestine – 20 feet). You will not believe what can come out of you untill you see it with your own eyes!

Most first time clients get surprised what a relief they feel after their body has released pounds of accumulated old stuff, including including mucus or even parasites! Some clients have so much bad stuff flushed out that their stomach gets flatter.
you’ll be glad that your colon is cleansed of this stinky, toxic waste!

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closed-system colon hydrotherapy device closed-system colon hydrotherapy device closed-system colon hydrotherapy device


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